I may be the owner and operator of America’s Knitting, but first and foremost, I am a knitter, through and through!

What makes for a good yarn shop?  The answer…SO many things.  Not every hero wears a cape.  Churchmouse Yarns & Teas has this in spades…

At the top of the list – it has to be inspiration.  What brings you back to your LYS time and time again.  Here in western Washington, we have so many yarn shops, that it’s pretty competitive.  What if you don’t need anything?  You have lots of yarn, you’ve got needles in every size, books and books of patterns, not to mention the internet.  What is it that makes you, ‘just want to go’?

Who is there; maybe your favorite employee, that has become a friend of sorts or knitting friends that you know possibly?  The yarn that is on your mind, that you just have to go visit it.  Maybe it’s a pattern, that is on your mind, the next in the queue of projects.  I know, you’ve had a week, and you are thinking of treating yourself.  OR, somebody earlier bought something, and you just have to see it for yourself.  The shop pattern you can’t get out of your head!

Ok, let’s veer off and talk specifics – great lighting, free parking and plenty of it.  Classroom space, great classes that always work out.  Here you go….enough yarn to knit a bedspread or a sweater for a huge man (come on….we’ve all been to those shops that only have enough yarn to knit a scarf or a hat or mitts, socks).  Friendly and knowledgeable staff, it’s a must!!  All these things contribute to a great yarn shop.

Lots of knitters, and yarn shops nationwide are familiar with Churchmouse Yarns & Teas.  Their patterns are sold throughout the country, and probably over seas.  If you’ve ever knit a Churchmouse pattern, you will know, that their attention to detail is spot on.  We’ve all had those patterns, where for the life of us, we don’t know what they are talking about – you practically need an interpreter.  OR, the designer assumes that you are a long time knitter and know everything – why do you even need a pattern.  How about those patterns that after you’ve knit them once — forget about it — it is never knit again by anyone.

Churchmouse patterns are classics for one thing, and so easy to understand, just let go and trust what you are readingWell, the store is no different!  Classic, friendly, happy, well lit, plenty of yarn on the floor and in the back, knowledgeable employees, great communicators, they are open 7 days a week, they work super hard, and it shows!  The displays are tasteful, quaint, and simply lovely.  The store is ALWAYS clean.  Thanks for leading the way, being a class act, teaching the craft and your knowledge of tea, and sharing your patterns with us Churchmouse!

I was at their latest pattern launch with some friends.  If you aren’t familiar with Churchmouse knitting patterns, please take a moment and check out their website – it’s worth it~


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