Seaside Yarn and Fiber

Seaside Yarn and Fiber

When you go on vacation, you want to see if there are any local yarn shops to visit.  America’s Knitting is always up to date on new shops, closed shops, and also when shops move.  We are a reliable source for all things yarn shops.  I am no different!  This...

A Little Knitty

A new shop joined our local yarn crawl in my area.  We actually have two crawls, but the PNW Yarn Crawl was lucky enough to have a newcomer in A Little Knitty in Auburn, Washington!  My friends and I usually run like crazy people, from shop to shop to get our...

The Yarn Diva Inc.

Last October, my husband Wes and I, took a trip to visit our friends that had moved home to Missouri!  They have lived in lots of places in their lives, and have traveled quite a bit for work over the years too.  It was finally time for them to retire, and they made...
PopUp Shops

PopUp Shops

Yarn shops are getting very creative with new and limited merchandise in store.  I am loving this idea.  Indie dyers working together with the local yarn shops.  The Indie dyer gets to be involved in the local yarn shops without having to fulfill huge orders and local...

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