Alpaca LLC in Eagle Colorado
Dear Friends at America’s Knitting and Knitters Staying Home— In the last 20 days or so our lives have been turned on end. Many of us have longed for a time when we could knit without interruption and here we are. We’ve practiced for this moment. At Alpaca, LLC in Eagle, Colorado, we have an amazing and diverse group of crafters. Our Tuesday...
Who Wants To Play Knitter’s Quarantine BINGO?
Yarn shops are getting creative! They have come up with ways to get us all through the crazy, ways to cope, and ways to stay afloat. Sisters Sherri & Susan, owners of Rainy Day Yarns, located in Gig Harbor, Washington are pulling out all the stops. These gals just got through a major move. In February, Sherri and Susan, and Rainy Day...
Ewe Count
The pandemic has all of us staying home more, hopefully knitting more and definitely worrying. Everything as we know it has been turned upside down. Kids are home, businesses are closing their doors temporarily, restaurants also out of the picture in many areas. As lots of you know, I live in Washington state where some of the first cases...
More Than Just A Fabric Store
Diana Cripe is the America's Knitting Ravelry moderator. She and I both live in Kitsap County, in the state of Washington, but in different towns. Diana is retired, but does spend lots of her time working as a volunteer for her local Library and also moderating our group. She also goes to a couple of knitting groups during the coarse of the...
Now In Their 20th Year!
Churchmouse Yarns & Teas was founded on Bainbridge Island, Washington in 2000 with a mission to create a place of community where all are welcome. Founder Kit Hutchin added "Teas" to her mix from the beginning because she felt yarn shops might seem intimidating to someone who didn't know how to use fiber – "I don't belong." With tea,...
Heart2Heart Knitting & Fiber Arts
There's a new yarn shop in my area! They call themselves Heart2Heart Knitting and Fiber Arts, and they are located in Poulsbo, Washington. Lisa Michael, owner, has experience in the art of yarn dying. First came knitting, then came yarn dying, and now she has her own store, complete with traditional brands such as Plymouth, Berroco, Malabrigo,...
Wrapped in the Warmth of A Great Yarn
A Great Yarn is a yarn shop located on Cape Cod, in a charming 1870's farmhouse in the beautiful seaside village of Chatham, Massachusetts. The name of our shop is a play on our two specialties: fine yarn and knitting products, and quality new and used books. And while we thought a lot about what to call the shop, we put a great deal more...
Yarn Folk
My state, Washington state, is split into two parts...the western side of the state and the eastern side of the state. The east and the west are split by the Cascade mountain range. The western side is wetter and more mild, while the eastern side is dryer with four distinct seasons. We get it all in the state of Washington...lots of big...
Seaside Yarn and Fiber
When you go on vacation, you want to see if there are any local yarn shops to visit. America's Knitting is always up to date on new shops, closed shops, and also when shops move. We are a reliable source for all things yarn shops. I am no different! This summer, we visited Seaside, Oregon and Canon Beach, Oregon for our summer vacation. After...
Apricot Yarn & Supply
Makers’ Mercantile
When I hear the word ‘mercantile’, it conjures up visions of an older building full of provisions, from olden days. Makers’ Mercantile, located in Kent, Washington, is far from the olden days, haha, but they are a mercantile. They have provisions for all types of making! The store is good size with great light and […]
On The Road With Ben
I think that is it fitting my journey ends at the local yarn shop that started my knitting adventures. In August of 2018, I was wandering around historic Port Gamble, WA and I walked into The Artful Ewe for the first time. I was just walking from shop to shop, and I did not know […]