I just love how things go sometimes. The knitting community is so accepting, fearless, and sociable. As many of you may know, in addition to this great website that has all the yarn shops in the country at your fingertips, we also have a facebook page, and a Ravelry group. Two ladies that are members of our Ravelry group, met up in California during the month of February. Anyway, here’s how it went.

After a couple of hours of chitchat we made our way to Knit This, Purl That, a local yarn shop. Kathie had been there earlier in the week for daytime social knitting and she might have mentioned they were having a sale!! After we arrived I remembered I’d been there but it was at least 10 years ago. We met up with the owner, Sandy, who has been the owner the past 7 years. The shop has been in existence for 20 years and she is the 3rd owner. I thought it was interesting that she came to the shop originally as a customer wanting to learn to knit. She said she took every class they offered for 5 years!! She said her goal this year is to become more involved in the community. She has already done several events the past few months including an arts and crafts show at beautiful Alden Lane Nursery. She plans to have events in her shop, at Inklings Coffee and Tea and at the Chamber of Commerce in town.

I would say that if you have the opportunity to meet up with a fellow Raveler and if there is a LYS nearby, spend a few hours together and have fun!!
The ladies mentioned that the store was compact, but so well organized and comfortable. They loved how there was even a table and chairs outside to knit at. Thank you so much Yvonne & Kathie! I really appreciate the time it took to put all of this together for America’s Knitting! Love you guys, and I’m so glad that you are apart of America’s Knitting.