Well, we’ve had a couple of finished sweaters come in! It’s so exciting. I’m still knitting away on mine and so is Carmel. The funnest thing about a knit-along is that we all use different yarns in different colors, so they are so different. I think that both of these two sweaters look amazing and fit so well. I’m excited to get mine to the finish line.
Carmel is a finisher, so I have no doubt that she will finish hers. I always say I have ADD or ADHD of knitting….SQUIRREL! I love all yarns, all colors, all projects, and just can’t say NO. It drives everyone around me a bit bonkers, or they get bored of my projects. I used to care, but now, I just enjoy the act of knitting and purling the stitches.
I do love the concept of a knit-along though, as it propels you forward through the process as you see the progress of others. I always say that Carmel is my pace car in general. She’s such a finisher — I love it! Well, I’m stoked about this cardi, and think it looks so flattering; I’m excited to get further along on mine. I plan to be working on it, at the World Wide Knitting Day event this Saturday on Bainbridge Island at Churchmouse Yarns & Teas. That is where I got the yarn for my sweater. I purchased it on sale years ago, and it’s been patiently waiting in my yarn pantry. We’d love to see your pictures of your sweater, and consider joining us over on Ravelry, if you haven’t already joined our group. Please introduce yourself when you join!
Incase you are just joining us, this is the Shaken or Stirred cardi by Thea Coleman, Baby Cocktails!
Pinchknitter Yarns out of Standwood Washington joined us in this KAL too! http://www.pinchknitter.com