America’s Knitting has a Ravelry group, and Diana Cripe is our moderator.  Her and her husband are now retired.  Diana’s hobby is knitting and her husband Bert loves model trains and also belongs to a car club.  Between model railroad events and car rally’s, Diana gets around to quite a few yarn shops.  This time, San Diego, California and Apricot Yarn & Supply!

Diana, is a native California girl, now living in Washington state, but she still has family there and so does Bert.  They were actually visiting Bert’s family in La Mesa.  Apricot Yarn & Supply is located in Liberty Station.  The store is owned by Sarah Heckman, and while Diana was there Sarah was in and also employee Cheryl.  They showed her around and were very nice.  The store has amazing light and a wonderful selection of yarns and local indie dyed yarn.

 Here is a photo of Cheryl with her shawl.

Thanks Apricot Yarns – you have a lovely store!!

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